A dynamic, professionally-looking Internet site, which provides a lot of features, is far more likely to get visitors in comparison to a simple static one. A variety of script apps are available for building such a site and the most convenient way to install a script is if your Internet hosting company provides you with an easy installation instrument. In this way, as opposed to spending time and efforts to set up an application, it will take you a couple of mouse clicks and a few minutes to get the script up and running. Usually all you have to do is to choose the domain address along with the script, then enter an admin username and password and you will be set. The advantage of using this sort of a tool is that its scripts are already properly configured to run on a particular web server, so you'll not need to stress about altering any script or account settings in order to match some specific requirements.

1-click Applications Installer in Hosting

If you select any of our hosting plans, you'll receive access to our custom 1-click script installer, that comes with over fifty applications. You’re able to create any sort of site that you want - a forum, a picture gallery, an online social network or an online store. You could use as many copies of a given script and as many scripts, as you would like. As an example, you may have an e-commerce website under your domain address and a discussion board under a subdomain in order to provide your customers with means to discuss your products. The installer is going to be available via your website hosting CP at no extra charge and using it is as basic as selecting a script and a domain, then clicking on the Install button. Our system will do the rest, so a couple of minutes later you’ll be able to sign in to the script’s admin area and start customizing your new site.

1-click Applications Installer in Semi-dedicated Servers

Our semi-dedicated server plans include a user-friendly 1-click script installer, which will enable you to set up over 50 different apps for any of your domain names or subdomains. With a couple of mouse clicks you can launch an electronic commerce site, a real estate portal or a forum and all you will have to do will be to pick the script and the domain, then to pick some username and password for the admin area and to press the Install button. Our system will perform the necessary in just a few minutes and you'll be able to sign in to the administration area at once in order to begin adding your text and images. In this way, you'll not have to do anything manually, so you can set up a feature-rich, dynamic internet site even though you may have never had an internet hosting account before. There's no limit how many scripts you could use at any given time or how many times you can install a particular script.