Data Backups

Your web site content can be recovered at any moment

No web site is guarded against hack attacks. Your web site can be affected even by accidental content deletion on your part. With our data backup solution, we’ll easily retrieve all your web site content at any moment. Aside from the day–to–day server backups that we are performing, you can yourself create manual backups of all your website content with one mouse click through the File Manager, which is conveniently integrated into your Web Control Panel. Simply make a ZIP archive of the directory(ies) you want to manually back up and place it in a location of your liking.

Data Backups

True Cloud Platform

We’ve designed our very own custom hosting platform using the most recent advanced technology. Having every service (DNSs, e–mail messages, databases, web applications, etc.) handled by an autonomous web hosting server, your site content will operate in the cloud and will be entirely shielded from occasional network outages and performance interruptions.

True Cloud Platform

Web Hosting Control Panel

Manage your web sites with just a single click

It’s now so much easier to attain total control of all your sites with the leading–edge Web Control Panel that we’ve built for you with ease of use in mind. Manage all the website files with simple drag–and–drop actions, register, transfer and control numerous domain names from one single place, set up email box accounts in a jiffy, manage email marketing campaigns without difficulty, set up & access your databases with a single click of the mouse, keep an eye on web site stats in real time, etc.. Advanced features like a framework installer, an .htaccess generator and a hotlink protection tool are on hand too.

Web Hosting Control Panel

Web Stats

Keep an eye on your website 24/7 from your hosting Control Panel

The Web Control Panel features a selection of thorough web statistic tools that will offer you elaborate info regarding your web site. You will be able to examine your site’s traffic in detail and get to know absolutely everything pertaining to your site visitors – what country they come from and what device and browser they are employing. You can pick from among 3 stats tools – the famous Webalizer and AWStats tools and a brand new full–featured web analytics software tool that we have made with your ideas and suggestions in mind.

Web Stats

Web Accelerators

A number of tools to speed up your web sites

Inside the Web Control Panel you’ll find a set of Site Accelerator Applications intended to speed up your dynamic, database–powered web sites. By caching content, these tools significantly reduce the number of times a database is requested and thus curtail the server load. This will help all your sites load faster and it will reduce the bounce rates. You will be able to pick between three website accelerator tools – Memcached, Varnish and Node.js.

Web Accelerators