Linux is a popular OS, which is traditionally used for web servers, because it features a wide variety of advantages over other Operating Systems. It's looked upon as the most solid OS nowadays and due to the way it functions, infected files shall simply not work. Since Linux is 100 % free to use, no license fees shall be included to the price which you'll have to pay for your web hosting service. This, in turn, makes it possible for the provider to customize the OS according to what they and their clients need, getting rid of unnecessary packages to improve the OS and the server’s general performance. Linux servers often feature the Apache server software, which processes site access requests. Apache is also totally free and easy to customize, not to mention that it is really quick and light in terms of the system resources it requires. LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) is the software environment which many of the most widely used script apps require – Joomla, WordPress, Moodle, etc. The LAMP configuration is the most commonly used one across the world, as it's stable as well as simple to take care of.

Stable Linux with Apache in Hosting

If you get a hosting plan from our company, your new account shall be created on our top-notch cloud platform where all the machines run Linux. Nevertheless, the Operating system has been customized in order to satisfy our necessities, so as to get the most of our clustered platform. The files, e-mails, statistics, databases, and so forth., are addressed by different clusters of web servers and this contributes to the more effective overall performance of the platform, as one machine addresses only 1 type of process running on it, contrary to what a number of other providers do. All web requests are handled by Apache, as we have seen first-hand that that'spossibly the lightest and most convenient web server around. Through a shared account on our cloud platform, you'll be able to enjoy a quick, dependable and protected service and to use any web programming language – HTML, Perl, Python, JavaScript, etc.

Stable Linux with Apache in Semi-dedicated Servers

Our semi-dedicated server accounts are created on a cutting-edge specialized platform. An independent group of servers looks after each and every service - databases, e-mails, files, and so on., and due to the fact that we highly appreciate the pros of an easy to customize, risk-free and dependable OS, all of the web servers which comprise the groups run Linux. The Operating system allows us to make the needed modifications, not to mention the increased speed, because just one type of process runs on the server, contrary to the standard hosting platform offered by most companies in which everything runs on one machine. Additionally, we use the Apache web server also. We've evaluated its functionality over time, so we have confirmed that it could give us as a provider and you as a client the desired speed and convenience for the most effective Internet site performance.