It isn't unusual for many users to use weak passwords since they're much easier to remember or to use scripts, templates and plug-ins which aren't updated for a long time. In either of these situations, it will not be very difficult for a hacker to take control of the site and immediately after that to take control of other Internet sites that may be hosted within the very same account. To avoid this kind of a scenario, we've added an excellent security option known as JailHost. It limits the access which a script has just to its own folder, so if one of your websites is compromised, the attacker will see its content, but will not be able to view any other content within your account, so the damage will be minimal. Of course, employing JailHost doesn't substitute the safety measures you need to take by keeping your scripts up-to-date and using long and complex passwords, still it'll allow you to limit any damage to one site only.

JailHost in Hosting

We’ve included JailHost for all hosting solutions, so you could protect each of your sites with only a couple of clicks inside the Hepsia Control Panel. The feature is not active by default to prevent disturbing any sites where you may need visitors or administrators to be able to access content from other folders in your account, but activating it for all the other sites is very effortless. Unlike various other Control Panels where a lot of domains have their files in the exact same main folder, all domains and subdomains in Hepsia have their very own folders, which makes the management and the protection of many different websites easier. In the unfortunate scenario of a website getting hacked, your other Internet sites will be protected and we will have several daily backups for the infected one, so that we can recover it to its initial state in just a few minutes.

JailHost in Semi-dedicated Servers

In case you have a semi-dedicated server account, you can start JailHost with a few clicks in your Hepsia Control Panel as we've included this option in all of our semi-dedicated packages. It isn't active by default for the reason that you may use an application which requires accessibility to other folders inside the account and JailHost could cause problems, yet you can protect all other sites by isolating them from one another. This is simple and easy as in Hepsia all domains and subdomains have individual folders. In contrast, numerous other Control Panels save the content of multiple Internet sites in subfolders under a primary domain, so a single hacked Internet site there means that all of them will be hacked. With Hepsia, just one site could possibly get damaged and even if this happens, we can quickly restore it using the multiple daily backups which we will keep, meaning that you can go ahead and update it afterwards to protect it from potential attacks.